"The Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival is the world's biggest celebration of creativity in communications. As the most prestigious international advertising awards, more than 22,500 entries from all over the world are showcased and judged at the Festival. Winners receive the highly coveted Lion trophy, presented at four award ceremonies throughout the week."
And in May won GOLD for the campaign in Print and the individual ad's also won SILVER
And in May won GOLD for the campaign in Print and the individual ad's also won SILVER
each at the Clio Awards in New York City!
"The CLIO Awards is the world’s most recognized global awards competition for advertising, design, and interactive. For nearly five decades, the CLIO Awards has maintained its original commitment to celebrate and reward creative excellence, honoring a powerful form of communication and its impact on modern culture."
"The CLIO Awards is the world’s most recognized global awards competition for advertising, design, and interactive. For nearly five decades, the CLIO Awards has maintained its original commitment to celebrate and reward creative excellence, honoring a powerful form of communication and its impact on modern culture."
"VH1 understands the rules of the music business: The more extreme an artist becomes,
"VH1 understands the rules of the music business: The more extreme an artist becomes,
the more successful he gets."